Science-Backed Stress Relief – Try TouchPoints Risk-Free Today!



Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze and limit us from fully experiencing life. While fear can be a natural protective mechanism, it often holds us back from reaching our full potential. At times, fear can become excessive and irrational, hindering our ability to navigate challenges and pursue our goals. BLAST® can interrupt the body's fight-flight-freeze response, reducing the intensity of fear in real-time and helping you confront your fears with greater confidence and calm. 

How blast® works for fears

How to use BLAST® for FEARS

Before you start:

Learn the basics behind operating your TouchPoints. Understand how to operate your TouchPoints, the different modes, and more with our online user guide.

When to use BLAST®:

Spot: Start as soon as the fear arises.

Preventative: Use when you're thinking about the fear or if you can anticipate an upcoming scenario inciting fear, begin 15-30 minutes beforehand.

How to use BLAST®:

Scale: Rate how strong the fear feels on a scale of 1-10.

Where:  Place TouchPoints on your wrists, ankles, clipped to pant pockets, or simply hold them in your hands.

Mode: Use the Fast/Purple mode.

Rescale: Wait 5 minutes, rescale, see if the feeling of fear reduced. Repeat until fear is minimal. 


See what our customers are saying about BLAST® & Fears

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