Stress-Free Dental Care:

Discover How TouchPoints Can Help Clients Relax During Their Next Appointment

Transforming the Dental Experience

Dentistry can be a stressful experience for patients, especially those with dental anxiety. From the sound of the dental drill to the discomfort of certain procedures, dental appointments can trigger feelings of fear and anxiety in some individuals. Dental anxiety can have a negative impact on a patient's oral health, as they may avoid or delay necessary dental treatment. It's important for patients to find ways to manage their anxiety and feel more relaxed during their appointments.

TouchPoints offer a unique way to enhance the dental experience for patients. TouchPoints use gentle, alternating vibrations known as BLAST, or, bi-lateral alternating stimulation tactile. 

why use blast

Improved Patient Experience: 

Dental visits can be a source of anxiety and stress for many patients. TouchPoints can help patients manage their anxiety and feel more relaxed during their dental appointments. With TouchPoints, dentists can offer a simple and effective solution that can significantly improve the patient experience. Patients who use TouchPoints during their appointments may be more likely to return for future visits and recommend the dentist to friends and family.

Enhanced Patient Retention

Dental anxiety can prevent patients from seeking dental care. By offering TouchPoints to patients, dentists can provide an innovative solution to help manage anxiety and promote a more positive, routine dental experience. With TouchPoints, patients can take control of their dental anxiety and feel empowered to seek regular dental care. By improving patient retention rates, dentists can build stronger, more long-term relationships with their patients.

Comforting Sensory Experience: 

The sensory experiences associated with dental exams and treatments can be overwhelming for some patients. Bright lights, loud sounds, and physical sensations can cause sensory hyperarousal and make patients feel uncomfortable or anxious. TouchPoints can be a comforting tool used to reduce sensory hyperarousal and create a more calming dental experience. Patients who use TouchPoints during their appointments may be more likely to feel comfortable and relaxed, leading to a more positive dental experience overall.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: 

Research has found that anxiety and stress can have a negative impact on dental treatment outcomes. Patients who are anxious or stressed during dental procedures may experience more pain, swelling, and postoperative complications. By offering TouchPoints to patients, dentists can provide an innovative solution to help manage anxiety for improved outcomes. Patients who use TouchPoints during their appointments may experience less anxiety and stress, leading to better treatment outcomes and faster post-treatment recovery times.


competitive advantage 

By providing patients with a unique tool, your dental practice can help patients feel more relaxed and comfortable, leading to a better overall experience. Using TouchPoints can result in improved patient satisfaction, increased patient referrals, and ultimately, a stronger competitive position in the dental industry.   



Dental practices are invited to join our 60-day Demo Program and get 50% off a set of TouchPoints to try. If you join our Wholesale Program, we will refund your initial purchase. If not, you can keep the set of TouchPoints at this deeply discounted rate.

Quantitative Electroencephalogram Data 

Our study involving quantitative electroencephalogram data clearly shows a reduction in brain wave activity in areas associated with anxiety (beta waves). TouchPoints’ patented BLAST (bi-lateral alternating stimulation-tactile technology) alters the body’s “fight or flight” response caused by stress. The wearables emit vibrations that disengage your standard stress response which can impact your performance and health.

And the results have shown to be life changing. This unique process of shifting from one brain area to another has been proven to create  new behavior patterns that lessen your reaction to stress over time.

Research-Proven measurable impact

74% Reduction in Stress in 30 Seconds

The data showed that within just 30 seconds of using TouchPoints, people experienced a 74% reduce in their stress levels and a 68% reduction in body sensations related to stress. This data combined with our archived data suggest that there is a consistency in offering users significant relief from physiological and psychological stress in about 30 seconds. View our full Stress Study


There are lots of ways to wear TouchPoints, as long as you place one on the right and one on the left side of your body.

Apply Today For Your TouchPoints Demo

STEP 1:   Complete the form below

STEP 2:   Our team will email you an invoice with a courtesy 50% discount

STEP 3:   Your order will ship within 5 business days after the invoice is completed, and you will have a 60-day demo period from the date you receive the TouchPoints

STEP 4:   Book your complimentary consultation with one of our Customer Experience specialists

STEP 5:   You have 60 days to try TouchPoints out and decide if you want to join the Wholesale Program. If you join the Wholesale Program, we will refund the cost of the initial set and you are then able to purchase products upfront at a low cost to provide an added benefit to patients. If you decide not to join the program, you can keep the set of TouchPoints at this deeply discounted rate.

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