AZCentral - Health and fitness experts helping us live better

Health and fitness experts helping us live better
For many of us, the beginning of the year means being healthier, whether it's eating well, working out more or just focusing on overall self-care.
So it was only fitting for January's Who's Next recognition to include up-and-coming professionals in health and fitness.
We're giving a shout-out to those under-40 influencers across the Valley and state who are making a difference in the well-being of Arizonans. They may be your personal trainer, yoga instructor, nutrition coach, doctor or physical therapist.
Each month, Who's Next honors some of Arizona's most dynamic young leaders. So far, we've recognized communications experts, arts professionals, culinary leaders and givers.
For February, we're seeking up-and-comers in the field of politics and government. Nominate yourself or someone you know by filling out the form at
Here is Who's Next: Health & Fitness, 29 young professionals shaping the health and wellness of our communities.
Vicki Mayo
CEO/co-founder, The TouchPoint Solution
34 years old
Connect: LinkedIn
Vicki’s goal is to bring relief to the millions of people who suffer from stress and anxiety so they can be their best, most productive selves. As CEO of The TouchPoint Solution, maker of a neuroscientific lifestyle wearable called TouchPoints, Mayo is shifting the stress treatment market by providing a natural and effective alternative to medication in 30 seconds or less.
*This article first appeared on AZ Central on February 15, 2018, by Grace Palmieri, The Republic | To read the full article, click here.