October 2020 Touch of Hope Scholarship Winners Announced!

October 2020 Touch of Hope Scholarship Winners Announced!
At TouchPoint Solution, we believe in giving back. This means every month, we give away dozens of TouchPoints via our Touch of Hope, a scholarship program for individuals and families with financial need who seek to improve their lives through applied neuroscience. To date, we have given away hundreds of TouchPoints to deserving families.
“I received a pair of TouchPoints as part of the scholarship program. I am a grad student who struggles with anxiety and who didn't have enough money to order my own pair. Because of a Touch of Hopes, I was able to use TouchPoints to help with my anxiety and to help me sleep...a crucial thing for a grad student!! I am deeply grateful for the product and Team TouchPoint’s generosity.”

– Elias Lawliet, Touch of Hope Scholarship Recipient
Thank you to all who submitted applications this past month. After many hours of reading and deliberation, we’re thrilled to announce the winners of our October 2020 Touch of Hope:

Donna Lawton (Left)

Donna is a member of She Rock She Rock, a Minnesota nonprofit dedicated to empowering girls, women, trans and nonbinary folks through the art of music. She helps to provide an inclusive environment that values collaboration and diversity, develops leadership skills, and fosters self-confidence. TouchPoint Solution is excited to gift her a set of TouchPoints and cannot wait to hear how they're helping the individuals in her community. 

Elizabeth Kowen (Right)

Elizabeth is a law student at the University of Idaho where she serves as President of a student-led organization Advocacy for Disability Justice. She works alongside law students with disabilities, allies, and those sharing interest in disability advocacy to promote diversity and enable greater access and awareness for all. In researching tools to help students deal with their stress and anxiety during this pandemic, she discovered TouchPoints. We're happy to be able to gift her this stress relieving technology and hoping that it helps on her mission.

Robin Davidov (Not Pictured)

Robin is the guardian ad litem for two foster children, ages 4 and 5. She's overseeing two smart boys who're struggling with stress and anxiety as a result of their trauma. Since the removal from their parents in 2018, they've lived through four different foster homes and now experience difficulties with school. Robin believes TouchPoints would help these boys greatly, so we feel happy to be able to help them along their journey.
We are currently accepting applications for the Touch of Hope Scholarship Program. The deadline to apply is the last day of every month and awards are chosen at the beginning of the following month. Applicants seeking assistance with the Touch of Hope Scholarship form should reach out to the TouchPoints Customer Service team at (877)-778-6824. For all other inquiries, including questions about the program and eligibility requirements, please email hello@thetouchpointsolution.com.

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