7 Ways to Prevent & Manage Stress

7 Ways to Prevent & Manage Stress
Stress can come from any number of places, whether it’s work, family, or relationships – but no matter the stressors in your life, there are plenty of methods you can try to ease your mind. Take a look at these ideas for how to prevent, handle, and relieve stress in your life with simple changes in behavior and daily habits.
Spend Time with Your Friends and Family
Carving out time for your friends and family can reduce stress and socializing has been scientifically proven to benefit the brain – engaging in social relationships produces hormones like oxytocin, which improves mood and even lowers blood pressure.
Spend Time in Natural Spaces
Spending time around nature can be a great way to prevent stress and give your brain a break. Step away from your work, your electronics, and any other stressors and let your mind wander in the calming natural world around you.
This is why eco-therapy is becoming increasingly popular, as more and more people are realizing the benefits of being around natural spaces. As Daniel Massey, a lifestyle blogger at Essay Services and EliteAssignmentHelp, says: “It can even be beneficial to just listen to nature sounds or look at images or videos of nature to calm your mind.”
Eat Right, Plan Meals, and Snack Smart
Maintaining regular meals and a well-balanced diet can improve your mood control. Try not to skip meals and opt for plenty of lean protein, veg, fruit, and whole grains – omega-3 fatty acids can also aid in reducing stress.
As Martha Cline, a health writer at OXEssays and Assignment Services, says: “Avoid the short-lived energy boosts of sugary snack foods and instead plan your meals and snacks in advance.”
When it comes to caffeine, you may be tempted to grab a coffee or energy drink to wake you up, but these large caffeine doses only provide short-term pick-ups and cause your blood pressure to spike. Instead, opt for tea. Green tea is a perfect choice, since it contains healthy antioxidants and amino acids which are very calming.
Take the Time to Breathe and Reset Your Brain
Life can be busy and overwhelming, so taking just a few minutes to slow down and get some perspective. Listen to some calming music, nature sounds, or simply your favorite music to boost your mood. Practice some breathing exercises or gently stretch.
Break down your workload, give yourself extra time getting places so you don’t have to rush, reassess your situation – do whatever you need to do to feel a little more in control.
Make Time for Your Hobbies and Interests
Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, try to make time for these activities – even if it is only a few minutes here and there. Taking some downtime to simply focus on things that make you happy can be a huge mood booster. If you don’t have any favorite hobbies, or simply don’t have the time or energy for one, perhaps meditation, yoga, or mindfulness could be another option. These are very grounding, calming activities.
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is a fantastic way to improve your health, your mood, and your stress levels – you can start small and work your way up to more intense workouts. Make sure to set yourself goals and be reasonable with yourself in meeting them.
Talk Through Your Thoughts and Feelings
Talking through how you’re feeling can help lower your stress, reassure yourself, or simply distract you. Self-talk is also an under-valued resource – you can calm yourself down by talking out loud about how you’re feeling, what is stressing you out, and whatever you need to do next to move forward. Just ensure that you remain positive, self-affirming, and constructive. Also, wearable devices from TheTouchPoint Solution™ can invoke calm in seconds.
At the end of the day, you will have to find the methods of stress-relief that work best for you. This may be through a combination of these ideas or some of your own, but whatever you end up relying on, it needs to be calming and good for the brain.
*This blog post was written by Beatrix Potter.
Beatrix Potter is a marketing strategist who works for Urgent Assignment Help and Coursework Writing. She writes about stress management and prevention. She also writes for UK essay writing services writing service.