10 Study Tips for ADD/ADHD Students

Students with ADD/ADHD cannot do the same thing for a long time and are often distracted. However, there’s no need to panic! Such students can also be successful at studying if they know how to make this process easier for them. One of the ways is to get professional help with homework. For example, writing a case study is a rather long-term process, and you can get easily distracted. In this situation, you can buy case study online and not worry about it. Moreover, there are 10 study tips that will help ADD/ADHD students.
- The student needs to constantly move. The student gets distracted, talks in the classroom, spins, sways, and when tired, his or her motor activity increases. This is due to the characteristics of the student’s brain with ADD/ADHD. It is necessary that nutrients constantly enter the brain, and this is only possible with movement. If a hyperactive student is forced to sit still, it will be more difficult to think. Therefore, try to ask teachers to let you move during the lesson.
- The student quickly gets tired of the routine. It becomes unbearably boring for students to do the same tasks if they have already understood them. Usually, students with ADD/ADHD are reduced by 30% in the number of tasks of the same type (including homework), and teachers do not require students to complete all the examples if they have mastered the topic. In the case of ADD/ADHD, repetition does not affect the quality of assimilation of the material. It is good for you to draw something on the draft paper or twist something in your hands during the lesson. Such students tend to do several things at once, and this does not affect the quality of perception of information in the lesson.
- Students with ADD/ADHD often do not do their homework very neatly. Notebooks have many corrections, and it can be messy. Students can try to do their homework more neatly, as lowered grades for poorly formatted homework may reduce their motivation to study.
- Hyperactive students are afraid of large volumes. If such a student is given 20 examples at once, he or she will be scared. But you don’t need to worry, because you can divide the large volume of tasks into several small parts.
- The student may forget something. For example, students may forget how to carry out some task or even the ultimate goal of the work. As a result, they get lower grades, and motivation decreases. It is necessary to concentrate your attention on all points of the task in the exercise. In addition, hyperactive students often forget their things. The “reminder” method is effective – small notes and stickers will help you remember to take something with you, do something, or go somewhere.
- The student is often distracted. If you are distracted too often, TouchPoints can help you. TouchPoints are wearable devices that can be worn anytime you need help paying attention or focusing. They use gentle haptic micro-vibrations to alter the brain’s stress response and bring you back to logical, rational thinking, which allows you to think more clearly and focus on the task at hand. Case studies show over 35% improvement in attention span.
- Hyperactive students are poorly oriented in time. This has nothing to do with the intellectual development of a student. He or she simply does not notice that more time has passed than thought. As a result, the student will be late and does not have time to finish the task. In such cases, the student should set a timer.
- Students with ADD/ADHD are impulsive. It is difficult for the student to resist and not cry out an answer if he or she knows it. It is difficult not to intervene in the process if something interesting happens to the student. For classes, you should have a notebook where you can write all of your answers to the teacher’s questions so that you don’t have to endure if another student is answering.
- Students with ADD/ADHD are emotional. They can become offended if something does not work out for them or classmates do not communicate with them (hyperactive students are very sociable and like to talk). In this case, try to build relationships with classmates. For example, you can offer help with tasks which you know how to deal with.
- The student sometimes does something wrong. Try to understand what behavior is unacceptable for others and try to control it. Otherwise, you will have to receive negative comments.
You can follow these tips to help make your studies more pleasant. Of course, students with ADD or ADHD face lots of problems, but all of them can be overcome. We hope that with these tips, you will become a successful student.
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