Sleep Hacks for Back-to-School

Sleep Hacks for Back-to-School

Late night, late mornings and cartoons all day. Summer is winding down and it's time to get the kids back to a regular sleep schedule to set up a successful school year. Help them to dream land with our Sleep Hacks for Back-To-School.

Sleep Hacks for Kids 

1. End of Day Routine

The human body thrives on routine. We're programmed to rise with the sun and rest with the moon. Start winding down at least thirty minutes before your preferred bed time. This can include setting out clothes for the next day,  warm bath with Epsom salts, followed by a hygiene routine and wrapped up with story time before jumping under the covers for a good night of rest. 

2. Set Bedtime

Want to keep your routine in check? Set a bedtime. Helpful for both you and the kiddos, a bedtime is key to getting appropriate and adequate sleep. A regular bed time (yes, even on the weekends) will help your body clock know when to wind down and when to rise, making both easier on the mind and body. 

3. Set Wake-up Time 

Like a bed time, wake-up time is just as important. Rise and shine at the same time each morning, with an AM routine. Drink a glass of water, followed by exercise and stretching together, getting dressed, eating breakfast and brushing teeth. 

4. No Screens Before Bed

If possible, avoid screen time the two hours prior to going to bed. This includes phones, computers, tablets and even the television. Instead, put your day to rest by going on a walk, playing a game, reading or engaging in your nighttime routine. 

5. Chill Out

Put a fan on and chill the room out. The best sleep space is one that is a chilly 65 - 75 degrees. Cool the room with a fan or AC if possible, then cozy up with comfy jammies and blankets.  

6. Calm Environment 

The key to sleeping soundly is creating a calm environment for your child. Create a space with sheets that make them happy and feel soft. Glow the room up with a salt lamp, diffuse some lavender oil and snuggle up. 

7. Sleep Support with TouchPoints

TouchPoints for Sleep help with the two most common sleep issues - difficulty falling asleep at night and going back to sleep after waking up at 2AM. TouchPoints' proprietary neuroscience technology uses gentle, alternating micro-vibrations to get you back into calm, sleep mode in seconds.

If you have difficulty falling asleep, simply place your TouchPoints inside the included zippered sweatbands on your wrists or ankles 30 minutes before bedtime. When you begin feeling drowsy, turn your TouchPoints off and fall into a restful sleep. (It’s not a problem if you fall asleep with your TouchPoints on.) TouchPoints for Sleep have a built in 30 minute timer so you don't have to worry about turning them off once you fall into your restful night's sleep. 



Take our Personality Stress Profile to get your sleep profile today and resources necessary to improve your sleep patterns tonight!  


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