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Therapists Are Having a BLAST with TouchPoints EMDR Buzzers

Therapists Are Having a BLAST with TouchPoints EMDR Buzzers

Therapists Are Having a BLAST with TouchPoints EMDR Buzzers

Wireless bi-lateral stimulation is finally here and therapists all over the world are using it to elevate their practice! Both in-office and out-of-office (as an adjunct to in-office treatment), these EMDR buzzers known as TouchPoints are working to provide better patient outcomes and have been all the “buzz”. 

Read below to hear what these professionals have to say about TouchPoints EMDR pulsers and BLAST technology:


"For the last 24 hours, I have been exploring TouchPoints [EMDR buzzers], and I am impressed, on several levels. Obviously, you have taken the well-known EMDR bi-lateral stimulation idea to some interesting new places. I was trained in EMDR (Levels 1 &2) in 1994 by Francine Shapiro herself. I was involved with Bob Yourell with the first serious effort to develop (and to some extent, market) bi-lateral sound in 1995. So, the idea is not new to me. And yet, I am taken by the elegance and clinical power of your approach. Starting tomorrow, I will be using this technology with appropriate clients and I will be writing up my thoughts and observations soon. Suffice it to say, the field was foolish, back in the mid-90s not to follow up on the realization that the power of programmable somatic/tactile bi-lateral stimulation was superior to all other modalities."


"I use these [TouchPoints EMDR equipment] in my therapy practice now (I’m a psychologist) and have had multiple clients buy them for themselves after having wonderful results in my office. They are a wonderful product, especially for some of my PTSD clients."


" I ordered one pair [of TouchPoints tapper tools] to use with a client with anxiety. I had 2 adult staff people try them to give me feedback and get a baseline. They both reported increased focus, reduced anxiety and more energy at the end of a busy day. I am definitely ordering another."

Looking to elevate your practice? Give TouchPoints tactile pulsers a try risk-free with our 30-day money back guarantee, and click to hear inventor Dr. Amy Serin’s tips for use with patients.

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