New Year, Better You with Exercise

New Year, Better You with Exercise

New Year, Better You with Exercise

It’s the age-old new year resolution – get in shape. Don’t let 2021 be another year you write off prioritizing movement and exercise, especially if you’re working from home. Keep your body, mind and spirit healthy with these four tips on incorporating exercise into your every day routine.

Bright and Early

Studies show that those that exercise first thing in the morning are most successful in staying consistent. If you’ve been thinking about starting a new morning routine, now is the time. Put your workout gear near your bed so when your alarm clock goes off, you can get dressed and get to it. If you need your coffee first, schedule a bit of time to relax and meditate before you jump into a quick HIIT, yoga sesh or run around the neighborhood.

Lunch and Lean

If you’re apart of a remote workforce, your lunch breaks are just as vital as ever. Make sure you’re taking time out not only to eat, but for a little selfcare. Take a stroll or move your body to a quick flow. Some of our favorite fast exercise routines are found on apps like Tik-Tok and YouTube – both free and easy to do at home, with just your body weight.

Sunset Steps

It can be difficult to log off at the end of the day without a commute. Separate work from family life by taking a sunset stroll. Creating this pause will help with keeping your mind healthy and even help you fall asleep later that night, as you’re creating a blue light break. Challenge yourself to take your walk with a self help book or without any noise as a distraction from your much needed downtime.

Stretch Breaks

One of our favorite ways at TouchPoint is to stop, drop and stretch in the middle of our day. Removing yourself from stressful work or home priorities can aid in refocusing and reducing anxiety. Use your TouchPoints for Calm to help reduce your stress in 30-seconds, as you stretch your body. Experts recommend at least ten minutes of stretching a day to release tension in your joints and alleviate back and hip pain.

Learn more about incorporating the six dimensions of health by taking our short Personalized Stress Profile assessment. 

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