Sleep-O-Nomics- Improved Sleep Could Equal Better Productivity and Pay

Sleep-O-Nomics- Improved Sleep Could Equal Better Productivity and Pay

Most of us don’t dedicate time, effort or resource to sleep even though sleep is the single most time consuming human activity, taking up roughly 1/3 of our lives. Just as our daily activity influences how we sleep, our sleep habits greatly impact our mood, productivity, and habits when we are awake.

We’ve all experienced the moodiness, fatigue, and inability to focus after a night of lackluster sleep. When sleep problems persist, the effects can be devastating on overall health and well-being as well. More and more, researchers are linking sleep difficulties with a myriad of psychological and medical diagnoses and these effects are well-known. 

The clever analysts at Freakonomics took sleep research a step further and were able to put a quantifiable price tag on the value of sleep[1],[2]. Using data sets created by time zones, these big data scientists deduced that just one extra hour of sleep a week translated into a 4% increase in income. And getting one extra hour of sleep a day can translate into an income increase up to 16%[3].   

To ensure that I fall asleep quickly rather than tossing and turning while my thoughts run amok, I use TouchPoints for a few minutes before bed. The BLAST technology in TouchPoints can increase the amount of sleep and quality of sleep. TouchPoints can help you fall asleep by reducing beta activity in the brain, thus keeping worry off your mind as your head hits the pillow. If you wake up in the middle of the night, use TouchPoints to fall back asleep. Kids afraid of the dark? They can use TouchPoints to fall asleep and if they wake up in the middle of the night, TouchPoints can help them go back to sleep.

Got TouchPoints? Let us know your experiences!   

To listen to the Freakonomics podcast, click here:


[1] (2015, July 6). Economics of Sleep: Part 1. Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

[2] (2015, July 16). Economics of Sleep: Part 2. Retrieved February 10, 2017, from

[3] Gibson, M., & Shrader, J. (n.d.). Time Use and Productivity: The Wage Returns to Sleep. Retrieved July 10, 14, from

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