The Perfect Books to Read this September for your Six Dimensions of Health

The Perfect Books to Read this September for your Six Dimensions of Health

The fall season is upon us and there is nothing cozier than snuggling up with a book on a crisp autumn morning. Not only does reading go with the fall aesthetic, it also helps to reduce stress, alleviate depression and help you fall asleep faster and with more ease. As you snuggle up this September, add one of our favorite reads that align with each of our six dimensions health.  


Nutrition: Food Can Fix It  by Dr. Mehmet Oz

Food Can Fix It

A well-rounded read on healthy living and nutritionFood Can Fix It feels less like a 'diet book' and more like a healthy lifestyle publication. 

Mindfulness: 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra 

The Spiritual Laws of Success

Your mind is a powerful thing and sharpening it is just as vital as any other muscle in your body. Ready 7 Spiritual Laws of Success to learn how to refine your tool and tap into your wildest dreams. 

Bonus: Did you know you can take Deepak Chopra's 21 Days of Abundance meditation series free on our YouTube channel?

Sleep: Good Night The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health by Dr. Breus

Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health

It's a well-known fact that human's are lacking when it comes to adequate rest. Improve your sleep patterns tonight with The Sleep Doctor's 28-day guide. 

Exercise: Fitgurl The Total-Body Turnaround Program by Melissa Alcantara


A full wellness guide, the Fitgurl Total-Body Turnaround Program includes a forward by a fitgurl who has used the program herself,  the ever-famous Kim Kardashian. 

Healthy Thinking: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 

The Alchemist

Have you ever thought of something and later that moment in your mind became a reality. Paulo Coehlo's classic dives deeper into the act of how altering your thought pattern can have profound impact on your life. 

Healthy Relationships: Rising Strong by Brene Brown 

Brene Brown Rising Strong

A unique relationship book, Rising Strong takes a look at improving relationships with your partner, your children and mostly, yourself. 



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Want to learn more about the Six Dimensions of Health? Click here to link back to our blog post.

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