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The Science of Stress with Dr. Amy Serin

The Science of Stress with Dr. Amy Serin

Most people have stress all wrong! Stress is considered a normal part of everyday life, but it is one of the most misunderstood concepts plaguing our society today. Stress can activate in milliseconds, turning on and off light a light switch multiple times a day. This engages our sympathetic nervous system and causes our body to go into “fight or flight” mode. While this is a very good mechanism for survival, most of the time our lives are not at risk – but this mechanism still engages, even when it doesn’t need to.

In this video, Dr. Amy Serin explains how stress affects our body and our brain, and how new neuroscience can help keep you calm, focused and engaged. Have questions? Comment below!


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    - Customer Experience
  • How can I get more information I stay in stress all the tim

    - Dorenda Ring

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