TechDigg - Touchpoint Invents Two Little Squares That Reduce Stress and Help You Focus

TechDigg - Touchpoint Invents Two Little Squares That Reduce Stress and Help You Focus

TechDigg |Touchpoint Invents Two Little Squares That Reduce Stress and Help You Focus | By Trenton Paul 

For those that who suffer with anxiety, nervousness, or even have trouble sleeping due to night terrors, there hasn’t really been a resource or aid to help with these conditions. We’ve tried medications, counseling, and other avenues, but nothing really worked. Now, however, a new system from The TouchPoint Solutions seems to be the type of gadgets we’ve all been waiting for.

According to the company’s websiteTouchPoints are a non-iInvasive, wearable device that uses patent pending neuroscience to relieve stress in as little as 30 seconds.”

The wearable gives us a way to relieve stress and allow better focus during times in which we feel anxious. It’s super discreet and can either be worn on your wrist or placed in your pocket, as it works the same either way. The company stands by their statement that by using the device for as little asjust 5 minutes a day, you can increase your overall performance and focus.

How does it work?

TouchPoints original is very easy to set up, which makes it ideal for users of all ages and technological savviness. The wearable itself just straps onto your wrist with ease, so it’s very simple to begin using. TouchPoints can also be worn in pockets, socks, or tank top straps.  The wearables correspond with a smartphone app that allows the user to take advantage of multiple types of settings.

Through the app, you can choose one of six preset options that each have a particular center of attention: sleep, focus, craving, calm, performance, and anger. If none of these meet your individual needs, you can also set custom levels for frequency, intensity and overlap.

When you feel stressed or anxious, just simply turn the TouchPoints on and the you will feel a gentle bilateral vibration. press the button on either device and the signal is sent. “TouchPoints use BLAST technology transferring alternating vibrations to alter the body’s Fight, Flight or Freeze (F3) response to stress and anxiety and to restore homeostatic nervous system functioning, allowing you to think clearly and experience calm,” says the company.

The company TouchPoint Solution has also begun manufacturing another generation of the device, TouchPoints basic. The basic version still gets the job done by sending signals to help you stay calm and focused, but without having to use an app. The idea behind this version was to give those without constant access to a smartphone the same opportunity to use the gadget in the exact same way someone would be able to take advantage of the original version.

You can also choose from a range of colors for your TouchPoints basic wearable – Fuschia Pink, Marine Green, Cornflower Blue, or Graphite Gray – whereas the TouchPoints original comes in Black only.

Who came up with TouchPoints and why?

I had the opportunity to speak with the co-founders of TouchPoints, Dr. Amy Serin and Vicki Mayo to understand more about where the idea came from, how it came to fruition, and more. These two very inspiring ladies were more than happy to answer any questions I had.

What prompted you to develop such a product?

Serin: “I was a neuro psychologist for a decade and saw many patients without access to the things they needed. It was not fair to confine a device like this to doctors’ offices when we could allow open access for all. Stress is the culprit of our everyday lives and TouchPoints helps handle it.”

Mayo: “My daughter suffered from night terrors and after using TouchPoints, she was able to sleep through the night and wake up without feeling cranky or tired. I told Dr. Serin about it and we began thinking of ways to get this type of device out to others who need it.”

Who is your target consumer and why?

Mayo: “Everyone. Anyone who suffers from stress, lack of focus, or anxiety.”

What kind of feedback have you received from consumers so far?

Serin: “Executives and professionals use to TouchPoints to improve performance, enable better sleep, and to calm down from anger and irritation in certain work situations. Moms use them for themselves and their children. They even share with friends who need it. Anesthesiologists, EMTs and other medical professionals also use the device on patients to help them overcome anxiety and stress.”

What do you say to those who are skeptical?

Serin: “First, I say ‘Thank you.’ I then urge them to read the research behind TouchPoints. This isn’t new technology; it’s been used for decades. If you have a solid base of scientific data and proven use, then you have something good – and we know that. The device is non-invasive and if they just try it out they will see a difference in hope they feel and cope with stress.”

During research trials for TouchPoints, 71% of people saw a reduction in stress within the first 30 seconds.

Do you plan to further develop TouchPoints

Mayo: “TouchPoints original will see a few upgrades and we will develop it further. In addition to the existing presettings for sleep, calm, optimizing performance, users will see a new analytics dashboard for easier navigation on the app. We are also working on a less expensive version that doesn’t need an app to work. On June 5, the TouchPoint basic Indiegogo campaign will launch.”

You can check out the Indiegogo campaign for TouchPoints™ basic here.

What’s next for The TouchPoint Solution?

Serin and Mayo have not just developed devices that can help us through everyday stressful situations, but they also work hard behind-the-scenes to create a more inclusive world around them.

Their company has set up a scholarship fund to help those who cannot afford access to TouchPoints be able to receive them and to tell their own stories of how the device is able to change their lives. To apply visit the website at and fill out the simple application.

The company also helps people with disabilities be able to work by hiring them onto The TouchPoint Solution staff. For instance, every one of the TouchPointpackages are filled and shipped by people who are legally blind. The ladies claim this is just one way the company tries to implement more ‘conscious capitalism.’

Here at TechDigg, we are inspired by more than just this really awesome gadget. The story of how TouchPoints came to be, the masterminds behind the project, and the upcoming devices and features that will help so many more people gain access to this gadget are all part of this great big world of innovation and passion. We are excited to see how TouchPoints grow and touch those who have been waiting so long for a device like this. You can check out the TouchPoints story and more for yourself here.

You can also support this awesome device on their IndieGOGO page here

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